Even the Wild Horses Love Mr. Skeeto!

Even the Wild Horses Love Mr. Skeeto!

IMG_2898It was just another field trip with the dogs in-tow.  We set out to explore our new surroundings here in Huerfano County on a lovely, sunny, windy day.  As we turned another lazy bend in the road, we realized we’d better slow down for all the cattle up ahead.  It looked like we might end up having to stop to let them cross…But wait!  Those aren’t cattle!  We just pulled up on the Wild Horses of Huerfano County!

IMG_2905As we rolled very carefully and quietly to a stop, so as no to disturb these beautiful creatures too much, Mr. Skeeto curiously climbed onto the dashboard to get a closer look.  The horses, also curious, began to approach the truck – all eyes on Skeeto.  I like to imagine that they were wondering, “What the heck is that?  Come on, we’ve got go to investigate this!”   Afterall, almost everyone who sees Skeeto for the first time usually has to ask us “what” he is.

And then, this happened right before my eyes…  HorseIntroduction
One of those moments you’re so glad that camera is nearby and ready to go!  I’m pretty sure Mr. Skeeto and this particular horse became instant friends in that one precious moment.

This was one of our very first encounters with these majestic creatures.  Little did I know they’d always be waiting for me around that lazy bend in the road, on my way into town.

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