East Peak Fire Refugees?

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="1151"] I spotted this amazing herd of Elk this afternoon, on my way home from town.  Talk about being in the right place, at the right time! I received a call from my Mom...so I pulled over to be sure I wouldn't lose my cell phone signal.  I…

Poor Bear, burned by the wildfire!

[gallery type="rectangular" link="file" ids="1128,1130,1129,1127,1126"] Well...the excitement continues here in La Veta.  While I was away at work yesterday, my husband, Kenny, captured these amazing pictures of an injured bear who showed up just feet away from our bedroom window. Kenny happened to be walking through the bedroom when he spotted…

Beautiful Lazuli Bunting!

A rare sighting indeed!  In fact, this is the very first time I've ever seen a Lazuli Bunting ...and there he is!  Just hanging out in my back yard with his friend, the "drunken" Black-Headed Grosbeak.  Too bad I had to shoot through the window...sure makes for a fuzzy shot!…

The Cedar Waxwings are here!

So I'm casually strolling through the living room earlier this evening, and I happened to look up at just the right moment in time to catch a brief glimpse of this handsome feathered fellow perched in one of our Pinon trees, just outside the window. He's a male Cedar Waxwing,…